Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Don't Turn Your Head

Pip will not take a nap.  She wants to take her own money to the store and get herself a gumball out of the gumball machine.  I said she can get a gumball if she takes a nap.  She understands.  She still does not nap.

I've given up.  I sent her to her room for whining and crying about the gumball.

Out she comes, no longer fussing.  Did she take a nap?  Uh-huh, she says.  Did she close her eyes and actually sleep?  Uh-huh, she says.  Is she lying?  Nuh-uh, she says.  She is so lying.

Outside, then inside.  "Where are you going?" I ask my little Pip.  I get a smile in return.  "Ssh," she says, "go back, don't turn your head."  "Where are going?"  "Be quiet," she says again, "ssh, don't turn your head."

I know she's going to her room to get her swimsuit.  She smiles again, finger in front of her lips.  "Ssh, be quiet."
Little stinker.

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