Friday, August 26, 2011


I looked up the lyrics to David Bowie's song "Changes" since it's stuck in my head.  It's fitting.  Hans is home from his last day at Geek Chic.  I'd suggest it was a bittersweet moment, but the traffic on the drive home was horrendous and it took him an hour and forty minutes, so he was more relieved than nostalgic. 

Monday begins the school routine for him.  He's gleeful about the drive along Highway 9: quiet, winding, little to no traffic.  The kids are excited for him to be home earlier in the day to actually do things with them.

Wednesday begins the older two's new school year.  It's hard to believe my girl is starting 5th grade.  It's hard to believe that all three will be in school and I will have two hours, three days a week to sort out for myself.  I excitedly made my dreaded annual appointment during Pip's preschool hours mentally cheering the opportunity to be unaccompanied after so many years.  I would guess I've been accompanied on all but a few appointments during the last 10 years.  Long time to be without privacy.  Funny what moments become celebrations.

1 comment:

Meta said...

Needless to say, we're excited for you guys and so proud of Hans.