Monday, August 29, 2011

Long Day

Sometimes Pip gets a little too worn out by the evening.  This is less than 10 minutes after bedtime...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Maybe Sewing Isn't Such a Bad Thing

I've been thinking about this little skirt since I saw it on another blog.  It has probably taken much more time for me to do than she did, but I did it!  It made a great use for one of my Girl Scout camp shirts with the iron-on that I dislike so much.  Pip loves it.

Friday, August 26, 2011


I looked up the lyrics to David Bowie's song "Changes" since it's stuck in my head.  It's fitting.  Hans is home from his last day at Geek Chic.  I'd suggest it was a bittersweet moment, but the traffic on the drive home was horrendous and it took him an hour and forty minutes, so he was more relieved than nostalgic. 

Monday begins the school routine for him.  He's gleeful about the drive along Highway 9: quiet, winding, little to no traffic.  The kids are excited for him to be home earlier in the day to actually do things with them.

Wednesday begins the older two's new school year.  It's hard to believe my girl is starting 5th grade.  It's hard to believe that all three will be in school and I will have two hours, three days a week to sort out for myself.  I excitedly made my dreaded annual appointment during Pip's preschool hours mentally cheering the opportunity to be unaccompanied after so many years.  I would guess I've been accompanied on all but a few appointments during the last 10 years.  Long time to be without privacy.  Funny what moments become celebrations.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Abby came out of her room last night after we'd put kids to bed.  She looked at me sadly and said, "I am a fish.  My cat is the ocean.  Without her, I cannot breathe."  Olive is so ticked about Harvey that we think she's found a new home.  We've seen her once in the last month and not at all in the last couple of weeks.  Abby's declared she's not moving without her cat.  Poor girl.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I am so thankful all my kids' names start with different letters today.  I'm filling in school schedules and holidays and finding it so much easier to just put an A, E, or H to designate which kid has what going on.  H--preschool 9:30-11:45.  Early release--A/E.  NO SCHOOL--A/E (or A/E/H depending).  I still need to add soccer schedules, Girl Scout meetings, and MOPS steering meetings once I get that information.  Hans's schedule is a whole other matter. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Don't Turn Your Head

Pip will not take a nap.  She wants to take her own money to the store and get herself a gumball out of the gumball machine.  I said she can get a gumball if she takes a nap.  She understands.  She still does not nap.

I've given up.  I sent her to her room for whining and crying about the gumball.

Out she comes, no longer fussing.  Did she take a nap?  Uh-huh, she says.  Did she close her eyes and actually sleep?  Uh-huh, she says.  Is she lying?  Nuh-uh, she says.  She is so lying.

Outside, then inside.  "Where are you going?" I ask my little Pip.  I get a smile in return.  "Ssh," she says, "go back, don't turn your head."  "Where are going?"  "Be quiet," she says again, "ssh, don't turn your head."

I know she's going to her room to get her swimsuit.  She smiles again, finger in front of her lips.  "Ssh, be quiet."
Little stinker.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Mama, Can I?

Pip: Mama, I'm going to sleep in Abby's bed tonight with Abby!
M: No, you're not.
(After whispers from Abby) P: Mama, can I sleep in Abby's bed tonight please?
M: No.  There's not enough room for you and Abby to sleep in her bed.
P: But I have little legs.  And I have little arms.