Monday, September 13, 2010


I have two kids who do homework now.  Both are sitting at the table doing their first official homework.

Eli is excited to work on his spelling homework and is supposed to write each spelling word three times.  His page is numbered one to ten with three blank lines following each numeral.  "Is this how you spell 'one'?" he asks.  I look at his paper to see he has spelled W-O-N.  I explain how yes, it does, but not the number.  I double-check with him that he understands he is to copy his word list (on the blue paper) and write the words three times.  He says he does.  We erase W-O-N and I let him be.  After a short bit, he asks, "Is this how you spell 'two'?"  I look at his writing again to see he's written O-N-E three times following the number and has written T-O-W on the first line following the two.  I point to his blue sheet again and confirm he knows the words listed are his spelling words.  After numbering his spelling words so he can simply copy them over easier, I leave him be again.  A few minutes later, he says he's done and I go to check his work.  He's filled the lines with the number they correspond with (1. ___1___  ___1___  ___1___ ).  Poor guy still doesn't get it!  I calm him down, erase his page, and sit next to him to tell him each word to write.  Fourth time's a charm, right?  It'd be easier without Abby giggling.

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