Pip is sick. The past two nights have been pretty miserable with her waking up crying and screaming often in the night with a slightly croupy cough and itchy eye. We took her to the doctor yesterday since her eye continued to be weepy in case it was pink eye (the doctor gave us a prescription because of the three-day weekend, but was pretty sure it was just a virus that will pass).
So in our infinite wisdom as parents, we opted to try the "tylenol might help her feel better" approach since she seemed warm and was definitely aching and uncomfortable. Her response would make one think we were trying to poison her! Each dosing (of the chewable, sweet grape sugary variety) was a drag out fight with her screaming, spitting it out, growling at us and working herself into hysterics. I'm not exaggerating. Last night, we spent three hours trying to convince her to eat the dang thing. She had a fever and was beyond grumpy. Three hours of shrieks, screams, NOs and tears. We tried bribing her with a tic-tac if she ate it. Finally, I thought to give some to Abby (who also had a legitimate reason for medicine). I had Abby s-l-o-w-l-y eat the first of the two. Hazel intently studied her every expression, every movement she made to make sure it wasn't a trick. Only after determining Abby really did find the medicine okay to eat did she also eat hers. Pip even said it tasted good when she was done.
This morning, we had to start all over again with the tears and screaming. The dang medicine tastes like grape cotton candy. I just don't get it. No amount of bribery will work. She licks her finger and touches it to just keep tasting it, but won't eat it. Stubborn, stubborn twit. Finally after having a time out in her room for throwing it and her dish on the floor, she says she'll eat it...and she does...s-l-o-w-l-y...tiny broken piece by tiny broken crumb. So hope she's fine in a couple hours when it wears off so we don't have to go through this again.
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