Saturday, April 29, 2017

Current Stats

Trying to figure out how to follow my kids' athletic standings is not easy!  Tennis only does team standings with team win/loss records and a combined individual win/loss records.  I can't seem to find a way to follow my particular tennis player.  Track & Field is a breeze comparatively.

Stats I've found to date:

AHS JV Tennis:
3rd in Wesco North 3A with 6 wins, 4 losses

Haller MS JV Track & Field, Eli Weber:
Wed Apr 19:
Hurdles 110m - 39": 2nd place, PR 26.47h
Shot Put - 12lb: 1st place, PR 20.5
Discus - 1.6kg: 2nd place, PR 52.47
Wed Apr 26:
Shot Put - 12lb: 3rd place, PR 21' 9.5"
Discus - 1.6kg: 1st place, PR 62' 6"

As of today, Eli's North County League Standings are 3rd in Hurdles, 3rd in Shot Put, & 2nd in Discus. State Standings don't look quite so marvelous, but are still phenomenal.  He's 71st in Hurdles, 64th in Shot Put, & 46th in Discus.

Love that I have kids doing some athletics!  Each week seems to bring new PRs for both kids.  Really can't ask for any better.

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