Monday, November 14, 2011

Poor, Poor Abby

I hate seeing the school phone number on the caller ID.  Especially when I already have an inkling as to why I am being called.  My poor Abby threw up at school.  In her classroom.  All over her desk.  In front of everyone.  Isn't this one of the things that qualifies for "most embarrassing" when you are 10 years old and in 5th grade?  Last week was Eli, during the week was Pip, and now my poor, poor Abby.  I was unsure about sending her since she was sick yesterday too, but she was feeling so much better this morning and I told her if she had any ickiness to just call me and I would come get her no matter what.  I think I need to really impress on her the whole "no matter what" thing.  She lasted until 2 this afternoon, even after feeling so horrible that she didn't eat lunch.

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