Monday, September 5, 2011


Hans has spent countless hours researching his various interests.  I've had the privilege? of receiving instruction on truck engines, sailboats, catamarans, motorcycles, Bill Bryson, and now running, particularly barefoot running, and healthier "staple"-based diets.  I love how thoroughly he immerses himself in the subjects.  The food thing is mildly irritating since I've been moving in that direction for ages with resistance on his part.  Now that I have a go-ahead, I'm floundering for recipe ideas that he'll enjoy eating (but he's really not picky--hah!).  He found a youtube video providing instructions for making your own huaraches (the traditional Mexican running sandals of the Tarahumara) and he and the kids worked hard to do that out of my rubber boots.  They do look cute though.

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