Sunday, September 25, 2011

Big Rock

We hiked Big Rock this morning.  I know the name is odd, but that really is the name of where we went.  It was a short hike, maybe a half-mile, but most of it was up and there was even a section that was not meant for children, especially ones as little as Pip.  She did well, even scaling some steep rocks.  Harvey got to be off-leash since he's been doing so well at listening and sticking closer to us.  It was windy at the top of Big Rock.  A nice, warm wind with our slightly crazy weather.  Yesterday was 80 degrees until Abby's soccer game when the dark, forbidding clouds rolled in.  There was no rain until after dark, but seems to have given us a great respite for our little hike this morning.  The pictures of me are horrible since we just got dressed at went this morning and I opted not to bother with my appearance.  It shows.

Almost flying!

Happy Harvey.  

Saturday, September 24, 2011


We went to Hans's cousin's house on Camano Island today.  Lynne and her husband Paul are incredibly nice and happily welcomed us to play with their litter of ten 4-week-old golden retriever puppies.  Mama dog Callie is a sweet, sweet extra large retriever and pups are so fun to play with.  I admit, I was right in there with the kids.  It's too much fun to miss having 4 pups pulling on your pant leg with their little growls.  Pip was a little overwhelmed (and almost knocked over) by all the puppies at once and fared much better after they were worn out and sleepy.


Friday, September 16, 2011


Eli had his first game!  His team is the Orange Crush.  They're orange.  He and Abby are both number 6 on their teams.  Just a funny coincidence.  Eli played goalie his first game, alternating with another little girl.  This is the last year of co-ed soccer for him.  Abby's always been on girls-only teams. 

My little stud:

He did well at goalie.  The coach even took him aside to say he had placed him there because he was about the best on the team at goalie.  They're 7.  Eli did have one of his dramatic moments after catching the ball with his face (kicked by a school nemesis named Alejandro) where he kept rubbing his cheek and opening and closing his mouth exaggeratedly.  For about the last 10 minutes of the game.  That's my boy.

Abby's doing fantastic at soccer.  She's super speedy and getting much more aggressive on the field.  I saw her body check an opponent when she kicked the ball away.  Heard that her coach is pleased as punch about how far she's coming along.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pip's in Preschool!

Since I forgot my camera in all the craziness of the older two's first day of school, I took pictures on Hazel's first day of all the kids.  (The true 'first day of school' pictures of Abby and Eli are here.)

My big 5th grade girl:

My 2nd-grader boy with his faux-hawk tolerating me:

Pip was excited about preschool until it actually came time to leave home and drive there.  Her anxiety shot way up.  I got her to stand for a photo by her cubby:

She clung to her dee and me as we walked into her classroom.  I stood next to her while she played in the purple sand until her friend Annabella arrived.  Annabella made everything okay and I left her.  She was sad on the drive home that she wasn't still at school.  It'll take some getting used to, but having a moment's peace at the store was nice.  I didn't buy a single thing I didn't need just to end the whining.

Monday, September 5, 2011


Hans has spent countless hours researching his various interests.  I've had the privilege? of receiving instruction on truck engines, sailboats, catamarans, motorcycles, Bill Bryson, and now running, particularly barefoot running, and healthier "staple"-based diets.  I love how thoroughly he immerses himself in the subjects.  The food thing is mildly irritating since I've been moving in that direction for ages with resistance on his part.  Now that I have a go-ahead, I'm floundering for recipe ideas that he'll enjoy eating (but he's really not picky--hah!).  He found a youtube video providing instructions for making your own huaraches (the traditional Mexican running sandals of the Tarahumara) and he and the kids worked hard to do that out of my rubber boots.  They do look cute though.