We did it, it's done, and stuff has left the premises! So happy it's over. At least a third of the people who stopped in had to be Sedro-Woolley people who have seen the changes around here and wanted to get a better look. I received many compliments on our yard, our house, the garage, and the dog. So very small town here!
On Saturday, one couple stopped in and chatted about how they just live down the street and moved in shortly before we did, yada-yada, and how they thought it was so nice what we've done, etc. We chatted more and I said something about how we'd gotten the game they bought because my husband works for Geek Chic. You should have seen their faces. They were in awe and even said "Geek Chic" in completely reverent, hushed voices. So, so funny. They were huge fans of the company, referring to themselves as "PAXers" (PAX is one of the serious Seattle conventions), dreaming of someday acquiring a table of their own. I was happy to see Hans coming out since they were so excited and I didn't quite know what to make of it. I don't know that I've really seen true fan appreciation. Hans was a celebrity! I half expected them to ask if they could touch Hans just to feel his greatness. When they left, you know they were just going to go to their friends and brag about meeting the designer of the Geek Chic tables. I am married to some serious hot stuff.
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