Friday, June 11, 2010

I should write more often...


Today is Abby's 9th birthday.  She opened her card from Aunt Steenie & thought it said "I hope year 191 is the best..." instead of noticing the box around the number 9... 

Tonight we head to our Spring Encamporee with Girl Scouts.  Should be interesting...especially since we're leaving early (tomorrow night) to drive to Portland so we can participate in the Great Pig Roast on Sunday. 

Eli & I talked about girls.  With a little smirk, he mentioned Hailey.  She likes him & he likes her.  But she's not his girlfriend because that's not allowed in Kindy, his teacher said so.  They aren't the right age for that, you know.

My little Pip just spends her time asking for 'nack' & 'pop'.  I get fussed at if I tell her that no, she does not get any more fruities or cannot have another lollipop.  She's moved on to 'toast' & 'mallows' too.  Never dull with her. 

So much to do to ready for camp & so little time left to do it in since I'd much rather do anything else.

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