Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Last Day of School

Today was the last day of school.  Eli was home sick.  Kids finished up 10th grade, 7th grade, & 3rd grade.  Hans is out tonight for an end-of-year party.  Abby & Eli went back-to-back & the boy is a hair taller than she is now too (already determined he was taller than me a couple weeks ago).  No wonder I keep needing to buy him new pants!  He bent his knees slightly to give me a hug tonight.  Good grief.  I told him to knock it off, the little bugger.  He just laughs.  Juneau in a week!

Sunday, June 4, 2017

This Week's Busy-ness

(aka Mama Pride Moments)

Hazel's last spring soccer game is Monday.  Thursday, things start to really kick into gear.

Thursday: Our Abby has a formal Induction & Recognition Ceremony for National Honor Society!

Friday: Eli performs with the Jazzhawks (the Haller Jazz Band) during the RAH (Recognizing Achievement at Haller) award ceremony before school.  He's also being recognized for GPA.  After school is his Math Olympiad end-of-year celebration & individual award recognition.  Once I get the kids all home, then I race off to Hazel's dance recital rehearsal.

Saturday: Hazel's first recital performance.

Sunday: Abby's 16th birthday!  We will head out early in the morning to Whidbey for Weber family time & a brunch celebrating our Abby's birthday & her Uncle Nels's bachelor degree.  I'm still unclear on who exactly is staying behind when I head out for Hazel's final recital performance.  Those staying later on Whidbey get to attend Nels's graduation party.

Poor Hans is finishing up Drivers' Ed with kids & has 16 hours of driving scheduled Monday - Saturday.  He has to miss Abby's event on Thursday since he'll be driving until 7.