Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My Girls' Hard Day

Today was a little hard on my girls.  The littlest one is sick.  She's had a fever of 102 and lots of coughing, even throwing up at one point.  She woke at 1:30 AM and had a pretty miserable night in our room.  I am not feeling all that great either, so I wasn't sleeping.  She spent all day on the sofa, napped a couple of times, and is resting again now after finally eating something more substantial than soda crackers.  It's hard to see my lively littlest girl as such a noodle.  Normally she never stops talking and now she complains that everything is too noisy and just wants to snuggle with me on the sofa.  She doesn't know, but she's going to have to miss Bike Day tomorrow because of the "no return to school until 24 hours fever-free" rule.

Abby forgot her lunch today and I didn't notice until about an hour before her lunchtime at school.  (I know this because I called the school to see if I could put money on an account for her.)  A panicky call to Hans revealed he'd given her $20 for lunch.  Well, she's my girl after all.  I got to talk to her on her drive home and it turns out, she tried waiting in line in the cafeteria to get food and got almost to the front before she got too nervous and just sat back with her friends.  Her friends shared a cheese stick and something else inconsequential.  Certainly not too much on the nutritious side.  At least she's fed now.  I feel terrible since I had enough time to race her lunch to her, but Hans reassured me he'd taken care of things.  Guess we forgot to make sure she'd be able to follow through with it.

Eli's at soccer practice now.  Pip is falling asleep on the sofa, refusing suggestions of readying for bed.  Abby is outside collecting potato bugs with her father for his classes tomorrow.  Sounds normal. :)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

2012-13 School Year Has Begun!

I love the start of school.  I get so excited for all the things the kids will learn and how their brains will process all the new information and finding out what they think is interesting.  Eli started 3rd grade two days ago.  Most of his friends are in the other class with the wonderfully sweet teacher he had in Kindergarten, but he thinks his teacher is just fine.  He is a model student in the classroom, according to teachers.

Abby started 6th grade yesterday.  Hans and Abby left the house around 6:40 AM, which is a little late for Hans.  I had given him a gazillion instructions about how I wanted him to do her first day (basically I wanted him to do all the things I couldn't do exactly how I would have done them).  He walked her in and waited with her briefly for her new schedule...and then he left.  Darn his responsible nature making him try to be on time to work!  She did absolutely fine though, not needing me and assuring me I haven't caused damage by not being their myself to walk her through things.  I'm sure she was relieved I wasn't doing first day pictures by her locker, by her classroom door, by her school sign or any other place that would most likely embarrass her.  Her only hiccup seems to be combination locks, which she will eventually get comfortable using.  She claims to have made friends, although has no idea any names.  She's always, always been this way.  Even in preschool, she'd point out her friends, but have no idea what their names were, despite all of them calling their hellos to her by name.  Such a funny girl.  Eli is actually the same way.  Hazel, on the other hand, knows everyone's name, but is not always friends with everyone.

I had to attend a parent meeting for preschool last night.  It's the first one I've gone to for any of the children. I went because Hazel's preschool classes are being held in a different church due to the fire where her school is located.  Although her preschool itself wasn't damaged, all the construction creates havoc for little ones who need routine.  Hopefully the building will be repaired enough for the children to return by Christmastime, or we will likely have a year completely different than my other two had.  Little miss starts school on the 12th.

Hazel does not seem to be enjoying our days without her siblings.  She claims there is nothing for her to do.  I may just have to have more playdates for her.  Spoiled little twit.

Today is Mr. Eli's 9th birthday.  I can hardly believe I have had that boy so many years already.  He is a fantastic person and is growing into such an interesting individual.  He's requested an angel food cake this year and (surprise!) tortellini for dinner.  I best get cooking!