Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

Preschool party this morning.  Pip was a princess pirate girl.  I will post pictures at some point.

Took the kids to the S-W costume parade this afternoon.  We walked the parade (all of two blocks) and then everyone splits up to the two sides of the street to trick-or-treat the shops on the way back to where they started.  Pip's candy bag is pretty heavy, especially since we did some door-to-door trick-or-treating for an hour in MV.

One sucky thing, which just reinforces our desire to leave here, is we came home to pumpkin remnants in the road again and all three of the children's jack-o-lanterns gone from our porch.  At least it didn't happen until after dark on Halloween this year instead of before the dang day like last year.

On another note, Hans had a student today dress as "Mr. Weber."  He says she's a good student too.  I would have loved to see her in her blue, vertical-striped dress shirt, off-color khaki, and Converse shoes.  He's arrived!  I married the cool teacher.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Potty Mouth

Pip tried turning on the kid computer.  "MOM!  It's not working!  It's not working 'cause it's DAMN!"  (I use all the exclamation points because she mostly yells as she whines all this at me.)

Last night, I was helping clean in her room.  She kept running out to show her papa all the treasures she was finding "in the crap under her bed."  Then she muttered about all the books on the "frickin' floor."
