Tuesday, April 6, 2010

MOPS & Hazel, but mostly MOPS

Hazel danced her way to her class today at MOPS, telling her teacher to "look at me!"  Such a happy girl today!  I am hopeful this means we've reached another milestone.  She cheerfully waved her goodbye to me, smiling about the Elmo show her teacher was preparing for her.  She's the only girl in her class and she makes quite an impression.

My activities are much more fun when my children are happy with whatever arrangements are made for them.  I appreciate having time to be an adult, to be asked my opinion, to be challenged to meet the goals I've shared with these women that are important to me.  Their encouragement and understanding is priceless.  We're all dealing with young children.  We all know what it is to be frustrated in our relationships, sleep deprived, and at our wit's end with discipline.  We hurt with each other, cheer with each other, and accept each other for where we are at in our lives without judgment.

Jean is a mentor mom at my MOPS and has been there since I began participating.  She phoned this morning because she wanted to commiserate with me about our home burglary as she too had experienced the violation when her children were small.  She told me of coming home in the winter with her husband and baby, only to have the door fall in when her husband tried unlocking it.  He disappeared into the house to investigate and did not return quickly.  She could hear rustling and feared for his safety.  After calling for him, she found him at their bedroom trying to help a tiny, frightened sparrow exit.  She said they both were so distracted by the bird, the completely forgot the bird could only have come in through the door with whoever had broken it down.  After successfully rescuing the bird, Jean phoned her mother to tell her.  She was a little thrown when her mom asked her if she had phoned the police.  Jean and her husband had completely forgotten.  She views the bird as a reminder from God that He's always watching and caring for His children and that good can come from anything.

I am so thankful for MOPS.