Saturday, March 20, 2010

We're in Trouble

We are so in for it with the little pip.  She spent most of yesterday speaking gibberish at us with great seriousness, regaling us with stories she had to think earnestly about to be sure she imparted all the information.  "Dee-diddle-dee da Mama oline.  Bye, loadda dee li doo!  Dab a doob a doot doo teedle doot.  Bye Mama!"

Ordinarily when Hans comes home, she yells his name over and over as she runs to hug him.  Yesterday, he walked in and said "hi" to her and she wouldn't even look at him.  She sat on the sofa with her book open on her lap, eyes staring at the pages.  Hans and I both tried soliciting a "hello" from her for her beloved Papa.  She refused to make eye contact and continued to stare at her book.  Finally, without moving her head or changing her expression, her eyes glance up at her father.  Little twit. 

She refuses any other acknowledgement for another ten minutes.  When Hans touched her dee, she marched away, snatching it too her chest while yelling, "Is mine!"

This youngest opinionated business...the non-stop talking and lecturing...ooohh boy.  We're in trouble.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Another Night

Home alone again tonight.  I've already locked up, put the kids to bed, loaded the dishwasher and processed laundry.  Now I get to sit here and have a silent night (provided my lovelies sleep without a hitch tonight).  Since I prefer to have a silent night with the hubs, this kinda sucks.

Today was a good day.  Took a long, enjoyable walk on a beautiful day with a good girlfriend, discussing my new favorite song, Home, and just how hippie dippy I am in relation to my button-up shirt husband who grew up listening to Kenny Rogers and John Denver.  The windows were replaced at lunchtime by a towering 7-foot, trying-too-hard-to-be-sympathetic man, who professionally demonstrated great strength (sarcasm!) as he quickly and embarrassingly easily snapped the new sashes into place.  My much healthier children have successfully annoyed each other without injury and I even witnessed them following directions without too many requests.

So here I sit, typing away, thinking about things best left unsaid, wishing for things that will never be, and being thankful for all that is.  Still wish I wasn't alone.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Eli just informed me that Sergio is the only kid in his class who doesn't like him. When I asked why, he tells me that Sergio always wants to sit where he is and will come over saying, "I can't fit. I can't fit." This was said in a whiny, snotty voice. I asked Eli if that's how he acts at school (the voice was accompanied by that irritating head wiggle too). He became indignant because no, he doesn't act like that. Sergio is not even a good enunciator and it's a good thing the teacher knows his (Sergio's) name because Eli wouldn't even know it otherwise.

What have I done?  I am a bit particular about proper enunciation myself...not sure it's such a good thing if my child disparages others for poor speech though.