Monday, February 22, 2010


After checking to see the time is past 9 AM, I pick up my phone and dial my mother. This is almost a daily ritual. As the call goes to the answering service for the second time this morning, I find myself unsettled at her non-answer. She's my mother! She should answer! Moms have to answer when their kids call!

I've been having many realizations now that I'm a mom which provide much better understanding of my own mom.

  1. Mom wasn't nuts when she told the guy behind the counter that she wanted to kiss him after he carded her. It's really nice to feel young and vibrant, especially when kids make you feel old and completely fried.
  2. Mom was/is much smarter than she was given credit. It's hard making your brain work for homework at the end of the day. Moms really do work all day with tedious, nit-pick details of their husband's and children's needs and schedules. Kid A needs specific report file for the essay worth 40% of the grade, Kid B has practice from 4-6PM so I need to leave at 3:15 to pick them up, Kid C needs new shoes...what size again?..., Kid D...where's Kid D? Does everyone have a lunch packed? Where's Kid B's homework? Is that shirt getting too small? Where are their coats? AAAAUUUGHHH!! A Mom's internal monologue alone is exhausting. Especially when she is trying to maintain a clean home, healthy meals, happy kids and a fulfilling marriage. Does it really matter if her brain does not want to deal with 7x8=? after doubling the dinner recipe and scrambling to vacuum since the hubby surprised her with extra dinner guests?
  3. Being able to close the bathroom door and have actual privacy with no one talking to you or whining your name makes an almost perfect treasure-worthy moment.
  4. Children helping clean the house without crying or complaining is one of the best gifts. It ranks right up there with handmade cards and drawings. Cleaning as a surprise may rank as the number one favorite gift tied with following directions the first time they are stated.
  5. Crying at the dinner table or crying over leftovers is completely acceptable behavior. Little moments appear with great clarity on occasion magnifying the passage of time and how the former babies have grown and are not necessarily able to make a specific family meal all together.
  6. "Because I said so," is a valid reason for doing chores. Why should Mom have to come up with a more specific answer? (see #2)
  7. Moms are allowed to have activities that are just their own with no tag-along kids or husbands demanding attention.
I'm sure I can come up with many more lessons I've learned. My mom is awesome.